Charaiveti, Charaiveti …


Charaiveti, Charaiveti …

Keep going, keep going, and never stop moving in life. Whatever the circumstances, we have to move on in the journey of life. Continuing with the metaphor of the journey of life, we are sure to traverse through hills and vales, acmes and abysses. Wandering outdoors in Nature can really be a wonderful thing, when we welcome, appreciate and learn from it. The learning in turn will strengthen us, expand our minds and enrich our lives with knowledge.  This very splendor captivates and invites the spiritual joy in our soul.

“To find yourself, get lost in Nature!”

So rightly and truly said! WE originated from the jungle, and somewhere ‘deep inside us, dwells the jungle, we are connected to it. That is why we feel happy and belonged to the Nature! Nature is much more than seeing, one can experience the softest sounds to thunderous roars.


Moving together we introduce you to enjoyable and meaningful interaction with nature, society, environmental and social issues. Our association will show you the beauty and wonders of NATURE. Even our One-day picnics, trekking, outdoor adventure activities and tours can be very  rewarding, it will make your tour-trek-camping full of fun, educational and memorable.

II Charanbai madhu vindati charantsvadu mudambaram.
Suryasya pasya sreemanam yo na tandrayate charan.
Charaiveti, charaiveti.

Aitareya Upanishad, 7.15
“The honey bee, by its motion, collects honey, and birds enjoy tasty fruits by constant movement. The sun is revered, by virtue of its constant shining movement; therefore, one should be constantly moving. Keep moving, keep moving on!” Lord Buddha used to conclude his discourses and sermons everyday with these words: Charaiveti, Charaiveti.


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