Welcome To

Kaivalya Ventures!

~ K a i v a l y a ~

…means Solitude, by Webster’s dictionary, a state of supreme happiness of mind,

 with a vedantic nuance, albeit spiritual meaning, it denotes right feelings for us


Friends, through this website we wish to offer you many fun filled, wild, adventurous and Eco-friendly tours/programs in the lap of Mother Nature that will rejuvenate your body, spirit and soul and will make you informed even more.

We are a nature loving and caring people’s group. We love working for the betterment of nature, mankind and the universe. Along with our active participation, our emphasis is on generating awareness about environment and nature, wildlife protection, water and non-conventional energy and conservation, recycling of waste, pollution and promoting eco-friendliness. Most importantly ‘social’ awareness among the masses, subjects like adverse effects of social media or learning in one’s mother tongue and helping naturally-handicapped gets our priority.

We play our part… whatever is possible to us. We organise talks, shows, treks, camps, nature trails, bird watching, jungle reading programs and conduct environmental activities for all age groups. We distribute related materials like seeds and saplings, bird’s nests, brochures, calendars etc. Spreading awareness and inquisitiveness for environment, nature, flora and fauna is our main thrust. In our team, few are always in the backstage, but this is… Our Team..